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Best Bad Credit Car Leasing Deals

Latest Bad Credit Car Leasing News & Blog

Read questions and answers about Latest Bad Credit Car Leasing News and personal contract purchase and hire purchase leasing, for good or poor credit history customers.

Questions and AnswersThe Best Hassle Free Approval?

Regardless of your past credit history, good or bad, you will have a far stronger chance of being approved via one of our selected affiliates and partners than with any other company, thanks to our wide range of lenders.

We aim to get as many customers like you approved. Our selected affiliates and partners offer bad credit car leasing finance solutions and even help people who are self-employed, on debt management plans, on IVA's or even have been declined in the past for car finance from main stream car dealerships. Whatever your credit history score is, it's worth submitting an online free quote request with us so you can get approved within minutes of applying.

Bad Credit Car Leasing

At Time4leasing we are able to offer you another lender for bad credit that has set us up for sub prime finance. These lenders have a very high acceptance rate (Which in this sector is fantastic).

We now need the applications in! Car Leasing with bad credit is our speciality. Another dealer was setup and they are doing 3000 deals a month (and growing) which is fantastic. We tend to get clients visiting our website with reference to sub prime car finance, car finance with bad credit and poor credit history.

No Credit Check with Car Leasing?

Send us your finance applications for consideration, get approval and we will provide you with one of our part exchange slightly used vehicles or find you a car of your choice.

Employee Benefits and Car Leasing


What ever your needs are, no credit checks, no deposit or little deposit, car leasing with bad credit, what can you afford? All you got to do is ask for a free quote and we will take it from there and help you get the best car deal ever. Note: All customers are credit checked (when they give their consent) if they do not have a significant deposit to pay up front.

If you are looking for a contract hire and leasing vehicle solution for private individuals and companies who have failed to achieve a main stream credit rating, look no further as their is a solution for you.

Time4leasing via their specialist lenders are able to offer a comprehensive professional service from a single vehicle to an entire fleets.

  • Been declined by the banks?
  • Poor accounts?
  • A new start business?
  • Poor credit history?
  • CCJ`s, Arrears or Defaults?
  • In or have been in a Individual Voluntary Arrangement?
  • Poor electoral roll history?

You can be driving a new and nearly new cars and vans on two, three or four year non status leasing agreements.

As a valued customer you will be offered the right type of vehicle for your situation, the specialist department goes the extra mile to find the right vehicle for your needs.

Your vehicle will be delivered to your door anywhere in the UK Mainland.

The contracts are tailored to reflect your exact needs and at last someone has realised it is not a one size fits all in this world.

What is Non Status Leasing?

Since when the banks started lending money to consumers there have always been people who did not meet the normal underwriting criteria for the main stream banks and lenders.

These people as far as vehicles go, fell into the non status or as we call it in our industry the sub prime leasing bracket. However, due to the credit crunch that started to have an effect on lending criteria mid 2008 more and more people were finding themselves classed as a high risk by the banks. So what changed?

The main stream banks or prime lenders as we call them, realised that they could no longer lend the amounts that they had been doing as they were taking excessive risks. So underwriting criteria was completely changed and all of a sudden millions of people and businesses found themselves in the non status bracket through no fault of their own.

Unlike the banks, our lenders are able to look at each customer's status and ability to pay for a leased vehicle. They call this the affordability test. If you can prove that you can afford the monthly lease payment, insurance and leave yourself enough money spare to live on comfortably then they will normally give you a non status lease deal.

What do you get when you take a non status car or van lease?

  • A vehicle to suit your needs and budget

  • An allowance of 10,000 miles per annum

  • Road tax included for the duration of the contract

  • Monthly invoicing for your accounting purposes

*Subject to acceptance and individual circumstances

 What you do not get are the following:-

  • Servicing

  • Repairs outside of warranty

  • Accidental damage repairs

  • Tyres, it is down to you to replace any damaged tyres

 What are the benefits of taking a non status lease car from us?

The main one is that you will not be taking the risk on what the vehicle is worth at the end of the contract. The lender takes that risk, all you have to do is hand the car back and go into another lease.

Your road tax is covered and will be posted to you.

Vauxhall Zafira Bad Credit Deals

To qualify for a bad credit lease with no deposit, it is required that your bad credit happened at least 6 months ago or more and in the meantime you have being paying regularly any debt you owe from credit cards, loans, etc. If you have a deposit this helps. Not like other companies, we don't credit check anyone at the quote stage. We don't even credit check at the firm quote stage. However, the finance department will credit check once everything is in place. This keeps your credit record rating higher with us. If you were to ask for 6 quotes, imagine what would happen to your rating? With us just ask for your free quotation and we will send you your first quote. Then you can discuss with the team about the vehicle you picked and other good deals. This reduces the footprint on your record. Please don't send multiple quote requests, just one form submission will do. In the form just mention a little about your credit history and which cars you like. It will help if you also state the maximum you are willing to spend per month on the car lease and how much deposit you can raise.

 Car Lease Deals for Bad Credit

Bad credit means you must be flexible like us.

With bad credit history clients the car choice is limited, as it is harder to find a finance company that is willing to fund the car and take the risk.

On top of that the monthly payment of the lease could double or even triple with some companies.

The specialist funders who work closely with our customers, that have adverse credit history, will ask for a deposit and proof of earnings. In some cases a deposit is not required.

If you have bad credit history and require a prestige car, that could be a huge sum of money to pay back. For example a deal on a Ford Focus, the normal price with vat is £167.86 and for people with bad credit history it works out to £249.00. With our offers you can pay this back over more months, so to reduce the monthly price.

With prestige cars the rules are more or less the same. It really boils down to how much money you make at the moment and can you prove it and above all can you afford it after paying off all the essentials, like your mortgage, council tax, credit cards, etc?

I have a CCJ can you help?

Not a problem. Our finance partners specialise in customers who have adverse credit files. The more information that you give us then the better placed they are to help.

Will my home be used as security?

Our partners would never ask you to do that! They look at each individual case and offer the best solution for you. They are not loan sharks, they are here to help without putting your home at risk. However, the car you lease will be used as the guarantee.

Can you help everyone?

All our customers will receive help, even if it meant giving them just information and it will be unbiased. We hand pick who we deal with.

At the end of the day that is why we are in business to help our customers get the best cars, best deals at the best price with the cheapest possible monthly payments.

Can you help anyone?

If you are an un-discharged bankrupt then unfortunately we will not be able to help.

However our partners do have other means of funding your vehicle. You may require a non status car or van lease.

Be aware that the initial rental is going to be a bit more than people with a prime finance lease will pay, but that has to be expected as the finance companies view people with adverse credit as a higher risk.

One way to Increase your Credit Rating

Once you lease a car from one of our specialist partners, you are on the road to mending your credit rating, even though you are paying for the car.

As the months go by and as long as you have not failed to pay any of the payments, your credit rating will start to increase from poor to fair and eventually to good.

Obviously you will have to keep up with other payments as well, like your water and electricity bills, credit and store cards and any other finance, loans you have at the moment.

Credit card companies may reject you for always repaying cards in full?

While you feel like a dream punter, for credit card companies you're a nightmare. If they spot this trend, you're likely to be rejected.

The most profitable credit card customers are those perpetually in debt, never defaulting, but always meeting the minimum repayment.

There are simple ways to BOOST your score

While expensive 'credit repair' products are usually bunkum, there are plenty of simple ways to make yourself more attractive to lenders: get on the electoral roll; time applications cleverly; never miss payments; get a landline; update or cancel old accounts; and reduce your debts.

Dealing with defaults on your file

One of the major problems people today face are defaults on their file. These defaults can so easily hamper applications for new credit.

If these defaults are genuine and fair rather than unfair, they're tough to deal with and probably will stay there.

Make sure this isn't with just one agency which could be to your favour. Check with the other agencies that the default is there too, then try the following tactics, especially if the default is unfair.

Complain to the Ombudsman.

First write to the company and complain the default isn't fair and lay out your terms.

Ask they delete the fault from your file, which it can do and they will have to if it's disputed. If that fails, complain to the fee, independent Financial Ombudsman.

It can rule both that the debt is unfair (if it is) and that the default can be wiped off your record.

Negotiate with the lender.

If you're prepared to settle the debt, either in part or in full, then you can negotiate with whoever you owe the money to. You can also make a condition of settlement that the default is wiped off your credit file. Companies can to do this for disputed defaults.

Add a Notice of Correction.

If all else fails and you believe the default's justifiably unfair, add a notice of correction to the file explaining the problem, example, "It was a joint account and the debt was run up once I had split from my ex-husband/wife." This will slow applications down, as most companies will look at it manually, but as a substantial default is likely to stop you getting credit, that's usually not a problem.

tips from moneysavingexpert Martin Lewis, Founder & Editor

Is your credit rating shocking?

Guess to no fault of your own your credit rating became shocking maybe due to a marriage breakdown, due to debts spiraling out of control? Are you wondering if there is any help out there?

There is help, but before we discuss cars, models and prices, when you say bad credit what do you mean?

Are you to up date with payments on your mortgage, bills, credit cards and loans?

Have you got defaults and if so please be honest and explain them to us. The more you are upfront about your bad credit history the better chance we have to find the right funder for a lease.

For example one thing that can help with getting approved for a car lease is to have a significant deposit and assuming you are in a stable job and you can prove your income.

Is it about risk or profit?

If you don't have loans or have credit cards, then the banks don't make any money from you. Believe it or not credit rating is not really based on the risk but about profit and how much money the banks can make.

Banks love people owing them money, isn't about how much you owe, it's more about can you pay it back and with interest. If you are on a debt management plan you don't owe any interest to any bank either and that makes it even harder to get a lease.

Improve your credit rating?

Have you checked what your credit rating looks like via an agency like experian, creditexpert? Along with lots of other tips, they say you can improve your rating by getting yourself a credit card for bad debt people, but do pay back the money every single month. Never forget to pay.

Maybe setup a standard order direct debit with your bank and always pay the minimum. Don't go back into bad debt what ever you do.

In the meantime, if you contact us we can look at your application on a personal level. That is why we are here for. We are not a charity and we do get paid but not at your expense.

Do you want to pay no deposit or a small deposit? We are flexible.

If you are currently in an IVA or DMP, that would be considered as extremely bad credit history and a deposit might be required. Otherwise we might be able to work around this.

Used Cars or New Car Finance with or no deposit required.

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Time4Leasing is a trading style of White Hat Projects Ltd and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN 768203. Company number 07764808.

We are a credit broker and not a lender and can introduce you to a limited number of businesses who also act as credit brokers and may introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Subject to status and to UK residents only (excl. the Channel Islands). Individuals must be 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. We typically receive a fixed commission calculated by reference to the vehicle model, product or amount you borrow, for introducing you to a credit broker but this does not affect the interest charged on the agreement, all of which are set by the lender.

Our Registered Office is 115-119 Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, B24 9FE, England, United Kingdom.