Approved Used BMW i4 Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Special Offer
Deal |
Monthly/Ex vat |
Monthly/Inc vat |
Initial Rental :
£2045.7 inc vat
Options Available |
Brand New BMW i4 Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more BMW Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Special Offer
Deal |
Monthly/Ex vat |
Monthly/Inc vat |
Initial Rental :
£6730.92 inc vat
Options Available |
Brand New BMW i4 Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more BMW Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Special Offer
Deal |
Monthly/Ex vat |
Monthly/Inc vat |
Initial Rental :
£6787.26 inc vat
Options Available |
NO DEPOSIT Approved Used Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
No Deposit then 48 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more BMW
Deals like this
» Payment Options:
0 + 48 |
Special Offer
Deal |
Monthly/Ex vat |
Monthly/Inc vat |
Initial Rental :
Options Available |
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4 BMW i4 Deals |
BMW i4
Lease Options
Time4Leasing can offer you the latest BMW i4
lease deals at lower prices because these vehicles are exclusive and offered at
lower rates to customers that have good, poor or even bad credit history score
You may wish to pay a higher initial
payment or deposit and reduce the monthly payments or pay nothing up front and
increase the monthly payment arrangement. You could be considered for exclusive
zero deposit offers and you can part exchange your current vehicle or use your
used car as a deposit. However, you will need to press the submit button and
complete your details online via one of the forms.
Applying with us will not affect your
credit score and our services are totally free! Apply today and we will send you
a free quote proposal tailored to your needs.
Popular Options |
BMW i4 Leasing
Finance Options |
Deposit |
Return Vehicle
Depreciation Risk |
Extra Miles |
1 |
Return or Own
Vehicle |
Lease then option to buy by paying
deferred balloon payment, return car or part exchange with a guaranteed future
value |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
No |
Yes |
2 |
Own Vehicle |
Hire then you get to own the vehicle at end of the
finance agreement and you can drive unlimited free miles |
HP |
Optional |
No |
No |
Yes |
Free |
3 |
Return Vehicle |
Vehicle must be returned at the end of the contract
hire. Suitable for businesses with good credit history |
CH |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
No |
Restrictions |
4 |
Car Finance |
With over 200 car finance lending options, choose a
car from any dealer or our advisors help you find the perfect car |
N/A |
No |
No |
N/A |
No |
Free |
BMW i4 Expert Reviews
The automotive industry is rapidly evolving with the rise of electric vehicles. One of the leaders in this sector is BMW, which has recently unveiled their latest addition to their electric lineup – the BMW i4 electric saloon car. This sleek and luxurious vehicle is not only environmentally friendly, but it also offers a high-performance driving experience. With the option of leasing, the BMW i4 is accessible to a wider range of consumers, making it an attractive choice for those looking to go green.
The BMW i4 is the first all-electric saloon car from the German automaker and is set to rival other popular electric cars such as the Tesla Model 3 and the Audi e-tron. With its sporty design and advanced technology, the i4 is a strong contender in the growing electric car market.
One of the major selling points of the BMW i4 is its impressive range. The car is equipped with a 80kWh battery pack that can provide a range of up to 367 miles on a single charge. This makes it one of the longest-range electric cars currently available. The i4 also boasts a powerful electric motor that can produce up to 530 horsepower, allowing it to go from 0 to 60mph in just 4 seconds. This combination of range and performance makes the i4 a practical and exciting choice for those looking for an electric car.
In addition to its impressive range and performance, the BMW i4 also offers a luxurious and comfortable driving experience. The interior is designed with high-quality materials and modern features such as a curved display screen and a digital instrument cluster. The car also comes with advanced safety features such as lane departure warning and automatic emergency braking, making it a safe and practical choice for daily driving.
The option to lease the BMW i4 makes it even more appealing to potential buyers. Leasing allows consumers to drive a high-end electric car without the burden of a large upfront cost. It also provides the flexibility to upgrade to newer models or switch to a different type of car in the future. This is particularly attractive for those who are interested in trying out an electric car for the first time or for those who are looking to stay up-to-date with the latest technology.
Another benefit of leasing the BMW i4 is the potential cost savings. With no need to worry about the depreciation of the car, maintenance costs, or the hassle of selling the car in the future, leasing can be a more cost-effective option for many consumers. Additionally, some countries offer tax incentives and subsidies for electric cars, making the monthly lease payments even more affordable.
In conclusion, the BMW i4 electric saloon car is a game-changer in the electric car market. With its impressive range, performance, and luxurious design, it is a strong competitor in its class. The option to lease the i4 makes it accessible to a wider range of consumers, making it a practical and attractive choice for those looking to go green and experience the future of driving. With the rise of electric vehicles, the BMW i4 is a clear indication of the direction the automotive industry is heading towards.
All vehicle leasing offers are subject to change at any time, you must be 18 or over and finance is subject to status, vehicle availability and terms and conditions apply. We can introduce you to a limited number of finance companies
and a commission may be received. Failure to maintain payments may result in termination of your agreement and the vehicle being returned, this could affect your credit rating and make it more difficult to obtain credit in the future. All prices correct at time of publication.
Our partners purchase a wide variety of vehicles from all over the country to ensure the best quality and value for our customers, all cars go through a thorough inspection process and if they do not meet
the highest standards we do not sell them.
We endeavour to inform our customers (where possible) the provenance of the vehicle they are buying and as such we will always inform you if the vehicle has previously been either an ex fleet or hire car. Should your vehicle be an ex hire/fleet car please do not be concerned as we would never value this vehicle differently when you come to part exchange it and there is no difference to the CAP valuation either.
You should try and estimate the distance you will travel as accurately as possible to try and avoid excess mileage charges at the end of your contract.
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Excellent customer service. The agent I was working with very helpful, kept me up to date with the process & helped me with all the paper work.
Would recommend to anyone who is looking for a leasing.
Within 1 day it was all sorted, it was done so quick
Another Happy Time4Leasing
Customer |
There are 4 BMW i4 Lease Deals on Offer.
Business Contract Hire prices
are subject to VAT and Personal Car Leasing prices includes VAT. We reserve the
right to amend figures if alternative finance arrangements are used and to amend
Residual Values if metallic is omitted or a better model is offered or other
accessories added. All photos and car descriptions on this site are for
illustration and reference purposes only and are not necessarily the vehicle on
offer. All offers are subject to change at any time and are subject to finance
approval and vehicle availability. All prices correct at time of publication.
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Time4Leasing is
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We are a credit
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who also act as credit brokers and may introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Subject to status and to UK residents only (excl. the Channel Islands). Individuals must be 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. We typically receive a fixed commission calculated by reference to the vehicle model, product or amount you borrow, for introducing you to a
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