Approved Used Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 8,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2686.59 inc vat
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Approved Used Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2770.38 inc vat
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Approved Used Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Audi Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£953.97 inc vat
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NO DEPOSIT Approved Used Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
No Deposit then 48 Monthly Repayments
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Deals like this
» Payment Options:
0 + 48
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
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Bad Credit Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on : Drive Unlimited Miles Per Year
Initial Payment then 59 Monthly Repayments
Option to Own Vehicle at End of Agreement
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» Payment Options:
1 + 59
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£975 inc vat
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Approved Used Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£989.88 inc vat
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Brand New Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£3122.46 inc vat
More Lease Options |
Bad Credit Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on : Drive Unlimited Miles Per Year
Initial Payment then 59 Monthly Repayments
Option to Own Vehicle at End of Agreement
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» Payment Options:
1 + 59
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£1071.21 inc vat
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Brand New Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 24 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 23 Monthly Repayments
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» Payment Options:
1 + 23
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£3761.46 inc vat
More Lease Options |
Approved Used Audi A5 Coupe Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Audi Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47
Special Lease Deal |
Monthly/Exc Vat |
Monthly/Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£3860.55 inc vat
More Lease Options |
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56 Audi A5 Coupe lease deals! |
Why choose Time4Leasing for your Audi A5 Coupe lease?
Discover the convenience and affordability of leasing a Audi A5 Coupe with Time4Leasing. Our friendly expert team and flexible leasing options make us the top choice for your automotive needs.
When searching for your next lease, look no further than Time4Leasing. We accept individuals that have good and poor credit, so you can get behind the wheel of your dream car without any worries.
Our exclusive Audi A5 Coupe deals and lower rates make us the top choice for your leasing
needs. Plus, our selection of good quality vehicles will ensure a smooth and
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Time4Leasing for a hassle-free and affordable leasing experience.
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Popular Options
Audi A5 Coupe Leasing
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Return Vehicle
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Vehicle must be returned at the end of the contract
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Why lease a Audi A5 Coupe?
There’s no such thing as a bad Audi A5 Coupe, but our favourite is the 2.0 TDI. In everyday driving it’s plenty quick enough, yet it still averages over 60mpg.
Whichever engine you go for, the dealer should be willing to offer a discount. Savings of over £1000 aren’t out of the question. Resale values are strong, too, so expect to get back as much as half of the original price in three years’ time.
The queue of willing buyers will be bigger if you choose wisely from the options’ list. Leather upholstery is standard on SE models and above, but cruise control and satellite-navigation are desirable extras.
What You Get From This Vehicle
You have to be very familiar indeed with the looks of an A5 Coupe to notice the differences made to this revised post-2012 first generation model. Essentially, the changes made were all about bringing the styling into line with Audi's more up to date design language, which meant a sharper-looking set of wedgy A6-style headlamps that on most UK models were surrounded by the LED strip daytime running lights fitted to S line and top of the range models. There was also a cleaner-looking single-frame front grille, as well as tweaks to the front bumper and the bonnet. The more angular tail lights were re-styled too and used brighter LED technology. But this is detail stuff. The overall aesthetic look and feel of this car didn't change with the post-2012 alterations, the interesting mixture of straight lines, sweeping curves and convex surfaces gelling into a very good looking shape indeed. It's one that looks even better in the metal, the wavy beltline that runs from the headlights back to the taillights remaining the car's most distinctive feature. It's a practical shape too, a proper four-seater, with wide doors that make it easy to get in and out of the back. Once installed in the rear, you'll find more room than in equivalent BMW 3 Series and Mercedes C-Class Coupe rivals, though the sloping roofline means that those over six foot will want to bargain for a place upfront. The 455-litre boot is also the biggest in the class, though the boot aperture could be wider. Plus it can be extended to 829-litres by pushing forward the split-folding rear seats. And behind the wheel? Well, if you're familiar with the original version of this MK1 coupe model, you'll find it as beautifully finished as ever, tailored like a sleek-fitting suit, everything being clear and elegant. With this improved model, there were revised steering wheel designs, beefier column stalks, clearer instrumentation displays, neat chrome detailing, updated buttons, smarter upholstery and classy trim inlays. The optional MMI infotainment system is also easier to use, with fewer buttons and more logical menus (you can even put in a 7-digit postcode into the sat nav). Through it, you can access a whole raft of online options, everything from Google Earth mapping to in-car internet access.
What to Look For
As a whole, Audi A5 Coupe owners seem to be a pretty satisfied lot, though we did come across a few issues in our survey. Most seemed to relate to electrical problems. A number of owners have experienced issues with the electric window mechanism, so check that. One owner had a problem with the MMI infotainment system failing; another found dashboard rattles - and particular issues with rattly speakers. As for mechanical stuff, well, we found one owner who reported an oil light issue and a handful who had reported brake grinding issues. Corrosion is simply not an issue with Audis and another reason why resale values are high. Look for a fully stamped up service history and look for uneven tyre wear on the more powerful models.
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