Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2074.86 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2090.34 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£702.9 inc vat
Options Available |
Bad Credit Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on : Drive Unlimited Miles Per Year
Initial Payment then 59 Monthly Repayments
Option to Own Vehicle at End of Agreement
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 59 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£812.94 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£824.82 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£827.97 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2573.46 inc vat
Options Available |
Approved Used Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£874.2 inc vat
Options Available |
Bad Credit Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 60 months & 10,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 59 Monthly Repayments
Option to Own Vehicle at End of Agreement
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 59 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£884.46 inc vat
Options Available |
Brand New Kia Sportage Lease Deal
Based on 48 months & 5,000 Miles per year
Initial Payment then 47 Monthly Repayments
» Contact us for more Kia-Motors Deals like this
» Payment Options:
1 + 47 |
Offer Deal |
Exc Vat |
- |
Inc Vat |
Initial Rental :
£2688.84 inc vat
Options Available |
Kia Sportage Lease Options
Time4Leasing can offer you the latest Kia Sportage
lease deals at lower prices because these vehicles are exclusive and offered at
lower rates to customers that have good, poor or even bad credit history score
You may wish to pay a higher initial
payment or deposit and reduce the monthly payments or pay nothing up front and
increase the monthly payment arrangement. You could be considered for exclusive
zero deposit offers and you can part exchange your current vehicle or use your
used car as a deposit. However, you will need to press the submit button and
complete your details online via one of the forms.
Applying with us will not affect your
credit score and our services are totally free! Apply today and we will send you
a free quote proposal tailored to your needs.
Popular Options |
Kia Sportage Leasing
Finance Options |
Deposit |
Return Vehicle
Extra Miles |
1 |
Return or Own
Vehicle |
Lease then option to buy by paying
deferred balloon payment, return car or part exchange with a guaranteed future
value |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
Yes |
2 |
Own Vehicle |
Hire then you get to own the vehicle at end of the
finance agreement and you can drive unlimited free miles |
HP |
Optional |
No |
No |
Free |
3 |
Return Vehicle |
Vehicle must be returned at the end of the contract
hire. Suitable for businesses with good credit history |
CH |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
Restrictions |
4 |
Car Finance |
With over 200 car finance lending options, choose a
car from any dealer or our advisors help you find the perfect car |
N/A |
No |
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Kia Sportage Expert Reviews
Kia Motors has been making waves in the automotive industry with its stylish and reliable vehicles. Two of its most popular models are the Kia Sportage and Kia Sorento. Both these SUVs offer a comfortable ride, spacious interiors, and impressive features. However, how do they differ from each other? In this article, we will compare the Kia Sportage and Kia Sorento to help you decide which one suits your needs and preferences.
Design: The Kia Sportage and Kia Sorento both have a sleek and modern design, but there are some noticeable differences. The Sportage has a more compact and sporty look, with a sloping roofline and a bold front grille. On the other hand, the Sorento has a more rugged and muscular appearance, with a larger body and a more traditional SUV design. Both vehicles have LED headlights and taillights, but the Sorento has a more premium feel with its chrome accents and larger wheels.
Interior: When it comes to the interior, both the Sportage and Sorento offer a spacious and comfortable cabin. However, the Sorento has a slight edge as it is a larger vehicle and can accommodate up to seven passengers, compared to the Sportage's five-seater capacity. The Sorento also has a more upscale interior with high-quality materials and advanced technology features like a 10.25-inch touchscreen display and a digital instrument cluster. The Sportage also has a user-friendly interior, but it may not feel as luxurious as the Sorento.
Performance: The Kia Sportage and Kia Sorento both offer a smooth and comfortable ride, but they have different engine options. The Sportage comes with a standard 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine that produces 181 horsepower, while the Sorento offers a more powerful 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine with 191 horsepower. The Sorento also has an optional V6 engine with 281 horsepower for those looking for more power. The Sportage has a slightly better fuel efficiency with an EPA-estimated 23 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the highway, compared to the Sorento's 21 mpg in the city and 29 mpg on the highway.
Safety: Both the Sportage and Sorento are equipped with advanced safety features, including forward collision warning, lane departure warning, and driver attention warning. However, the Sorento has a slight advantage as it offers additional features like blind-spot monitoring and rear cross-traffic alert as standard. The Sorento also received a higher overall safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compared to the Sportage.
Price: The Kia Sportage is the more affordable option with a starting price of around £24,000, while the Sorento starts at around £29,000. However, the Sorento's higher price is justified by its larger size and additional features. Both vehicles come with Kia's impressive warranty coverage of 5 years/60,000 miles for the basic warranty and 10 years/100,000 miles for the powertrain warranty.
Conclusion: Overall, the Kia Sportage and Kia Sorento are both excellent SUV options with their own set of strengths. If you prefer a more compact and sporty vehicle with a lower price point, the Sportage may be the better choice for you. However, if you need a larger and more upscale SUV with additional safety features, the Sorento is worth considering. Whichever model you choose, you can expect a reliable and stylish vehicle from Kia.
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There are 85 Kia Sportage Lease Deals on Offer.
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